
Transforming limiting beliefs

If you read the About page of ProsperMoneyAI website, you will understand that an accident of life has been the trigger for change of my beliefs and the way I was seeing my future.

I started to ask myself many questions in many areas:

– Together with my wife, do we want to keep working for 20 more years before retiring and hopefully enjoying a new life?

– If you want to retire earlier, you need to make money to replace the money you currently get from your daily work. 

– What are the serious options out there to make money in a passive mode?

– You see a lot of buzz on financial freedom … is financial freedom actually possible to achieve?

– Having not received education on all this at school and in my childhood, how can I grow my financial literacy in order to remove any limiting belief that could hold me back from creating a new future for my finance?

– and many other questions in order to frame what is at stake and identify what I need to do and learn to evolve my mindset and start taking action to build a new future for me, my wife, and my family.

In order to find answers, I invested into myself. 

First, I started to read relevant new books to learn new skills and to change my views about financial freedom. 2 of them were great eye openers, which I will share about in a dedicated blog article here. Together with my wife, we for instance realise we were both in the so called rat race … and, obviously, we decided to take action to move out of this bad race.

Then, I started to network with new set of people … people who are already generating passive income and financially free or almost there. As per the saying, if you want to change and adopt a new mindset, you need to spend time with people who have already achieved this change. This networking brought me new valuable friends, sharing the same values and mindset about finance, and embodying that achieving financial freedom is doable. It is definitely not a myth.

Last, but not the least, for 12 months, I scouted the internet to search for online serious solutions that could help me creating this new future, by building new sources of passive income. I discovered hundreds of solutions. 99% of them are non serious solutions, they are pure scams. A few of them, 1%, are serious. I will share later in another blog article how to avoid falling into the trap of non serious solutions.


All this investment into myself is paying off:

– Together with my wife, we have now a clear roadmap for the next 5-10 years of where we want to go. This looks too long for you? Well don’t fall into the trap of wanting to go fast and actually being in a hurry. I will explain in a dedicated blog article why this may require to be patient.

– Thanks to my networking with great people and the scouting for the art of possible, I discovered solutions which are accessible to everyone who is ready to invest into himself, ready to adopt a new mindset, and ready to take action.

– I eventually found a gem which I have decided to invest several thousands of dollars in, which has been given up to 20% monthly profit for the last 12+months, and for which I decided to become also an ambassador after one year of being just an investor. This gem leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and is coming directly from the revolutionising new world of decentralised finance, which gonna disrupt the traditional finance git time. You can discover here this gem in the Services/Start page of this website or directly here

In my role of ambassador of this gem, I realise that I can share with the many the knowledge of what I have learnt, as well as the experience of what I have achieved so far.

Hence this website and proposed services to help You start building your own new future.

Looking forward to getting your comments, your feedbacks.

Looking forward to getting in touch with You! 

Key points