
Want to explore opportunities to make good tangible passive income?

Welcome to Web 3.0! 


I am thrilled to share with you some of the amazing Web 3.0 projects that have opened for me new avenues of passive income. As the digital world continues to evolve, it’s crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and advancements. That’s why I’m excited to present these cutting-edge projects that offer incredible benefits. Whether you’re looking to explore how Web 3.0 can be leveraged to create new sources of income, improve your financial future, or simply diversify your investment portfolio, these Web 3.0 projects have got you covered. So, take some time to explore and discover how you too can take advantage of these amazing opportunities.


Before I unveil more about these amazing Web 3.0 projects, let’s first step back and understand what enabled the emergence of such opportunities.

For that, we need to take a journey from what is called now the Web 1.0 which some of you might have never known, to the Web 2.0 which all of us use today, to Web 3.0, which you might have not yet heard about!


Let’s start the journey!

When Web 1.0 was created, this was a first revolution … People was given access to a huge library made of static pages. The web and internet revolution was launched!

Then, with the advance of technologies, Web 2.0 emerged. A new era of madness of sharing and e-commerce started, with huge data centralization within a few big companies like Meta, Google, Amazon, etc.

While we are all using it daily, there is one important drawback which many are often not aware about … We, as users, are loosing the full owning of our content … which is one of the reasons which triggered the creation of Web 3.0

And here is the Web 3.0, a new era of the Web which promotes decentralization thanks to the leverage of one key technology revolution: the blockchain technology.

In Web 3.0, users are given back ownership of their content, which enables new ways of generating profits and their sharing between creators, consumers, investors.

Now that you are equipped with a first level of knowledge of Web 3.0 and what it entails, let’s explore live serious opportunities!

Are you ready to leverage some or all of them?

Ready ? Go and discover the below!

1 – When Web 3.0 meets the traditional trading industry … this gives a solution available for the many and generating regular passive income.

2 – When Web 3.0 meets with the beverage industry … this gives a revolutionary project wherein you earn money each time someone have a drink.

3 – When Web 3.0 meets with the Sports Industry … this gives a fantastic opportunity to take a share of the huge global revenue of the sport market.

image depicting a Decentralized Finance (DeFi) trading platform, incorporating Web 3.0 technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence

1 – When Web 3.0 meets the traditional trading industry … this gives a solution available for the many and generating regular passive income.

This Web 3.0 project consists of the development of a Decentralized Artificial Intelligence for trading on the forex market, using blockchain technology, started in 2021 and in production since April 2022.

The Phase 1 window to invest into the project was till February 2024.

$500+ millions have been invested from 245 000 limitless people from 100+ countries who decided to join the opportunity and have been getting regular passive income growth since then.

The project has entered a new phase and is becoming an exclusive private investment fund for phase 1 investors.

Since inception, the cumulative gross performance is ~2000%.

2 – When Web 3.0 meets with the beverage industry … this gives a revolutionary project.

Step back 30 seconds

  • Imagine that every time a drink is served in a bar, stadium, festival, you receive money,
  •  Imagine that all the market participants in the beverage industry are working for you,
  • Imagine a technology that makes sustainability sexy and ultra profitable.

This is made possible today thanks to this project launched in 2021, which carries a strong win-win vision:

Boost profits for beverage industry retailers / distributors /manufacturers, significantly reduce environmental impact, and generate high returns for investors

Now … just imagine that in a country like France, the beverage distribution market is more than 77 billions € of revenue … 

Would you not want to get a portion of this huge market and get new source of passive income each time someone has a drink?

3 – When Web 3.0 meets with the Sports Industry … this gives a fantastic opportunity to take a share of the huge global revenue of the sport market.

Stay tune for more details!